Some breeds have a propensity to suck or chew on blankets, but the behavior is thought to be associated with the dog’s experience as a puppy. What Does Your Dog Dream About? Your Dog’s Sucking Tendency: It Starts as a Puppy. Fayzulin Serg/Shutterstock. However, it may be a surprise to others so keep a close eye on your dog to ensure that they’re not accidentally knocking someone over. Well, there’s a reason why he does this. I think it is too cute. But it’s not just leaning. Probably You, Expert Says; Do You Sleep With Dogs? Whatever the reason, leaning against you makes your dog feel safe and secure, and it’s another way of showing his love. Contrary to what … A dog likes to show off his ability, and he wants to give you a present. Chances are, the presents he gives you are also things he wants as well. It’s also standing on your feet, hugging your legs during a walk, and sleeping with the maximum amount of shared surface area in contact. They may rub against you or push their nose into your hand as they lean, all signs that they don't feel you're giving them the amount of attention and affection they deserve. Leaning for attention is the most common reason, however, there are others as well. Like instead of just standing in open space she puts her bum or like her whole body either against the wall or me. Don’t miss these 19 things your dog really wishes she could tell you. And whenever she come up to me she always like gives me her backside to stroke while sitting on me what does it mean? I think he just likes to be close to us and knows that if we are sitting down he will get a pat and a cuddle. Why does my dog always lean on things? Yes, that is right.... she leans. Leaning Against You. From the first days of their lives, puppies sleep in dog piles that provide them with all the comfort and security they need to grow up healthy and strong. She doesn't really like to stand in the middle of the room, she will stand next to a wall or a piece of furniture, and lean on it... just like a person standing in a doorway, leaning their shoulder against the frame. Answer Save. When He Leans Against Your Leg… If your dog leans against your leg, then he needs reassurance. Most serial dog owners are likely to have lived with one at some point. Your pet may lean against you because he feels anxious, wants something, wants to cuddle or is looking for some extra comfort or security. He also is not dominant dog, that honour belongs to my Kelpie. Yes, the experts will claim that these could all be dominance behaviors, but you know your dog … Leaning reason #2 – Fear. He’s got a case of the yawns. A dog is very smart! It could also be partly a security thing as he does lean against the wall outside. Domesticated dogs might not have six or eight pet siblings to cuddle up against as they get older but they still have their two-legged pack members to lay up against. I have a 1 year old border collie mix. Why Does My Dog Lean On Me? My 10 month old Malinois does pretty much the same thing. With Gus, we’ve seen her also come over and lean against us when she’s afraid.